Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Little Sister's Birthday

Today is the birthday of my little sister. I want to wish her the best birthday ever! I can honestly say that she is my best friend and I am so OVER protective of her. I will fight anyone for her, even the VP of our company (it drives my husband crazy how much I defend her). I know that she knows that I love her to death and will do anything for her! One of my greatest memories as a child is when my mom would dress us alike and we would go around telling everyone we were twins, and then giggling about them when they would ask my mom about the "twins." But now she has grown up into a unique woman, with her own style and personality! I love her free spirit and attitude. She is truly a great inspiration to me! Well "twin" I hope you have a great birthday today! Love you!!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dr. Appointment

I have my Dr's appointment tomorrow and I am really excited to see the progress of the baby. Every time I go the Dr tells me how big he is! I like chunky babies so I don't mind that he is going to be a big one! Last time I went he was 4 lbs. which was two weeks ago. So I cant wait to see how big he is this week! Well I will see and let you know about him another time. Here is his first picture taken, he was 9 weeks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend of FUN!

This is my first blog and I wish I had done this sooner! I talk so much, so this should be really easy! LOL.

This weekend was so full of events! I didn't take any pictures, sorry, but it was fun! First my husbands co-workers threw me a surprise baby shower on Friday. Awesome! It was a total surprise! Then Saturday I had two birthday parties to go too. One was at a ranch with horses but I didn't get to ride any since I am prego. And finally Sunday we went SHOPPING! Which was super great! I am trying not to buy too many maternity clothes since I don't have that long to go but I had to get me some shorts! Our summers in Texas are too hot not to have some shorts! Next time I will take some pictures to show!