Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still No Baby

So on one of my earlier posts I wrote that my husband predicted me to have the baby on Memorial Day, well still no baby. I am hoping that he comes soon though because I am getting antsy and bigger! Even though the baby didn't come yesterday I still had a great time. We went to Lynn Creek Park. It was so pretty, the water was clean and the weather was perfect. My husband swam until he was super tired! We went with my whole family so that made it so much funner. The kids swam so much, I am pretty sure they slept really well last night and they are probably so sun burned. We also ate so much, that why I am getting bigger. Well I have my weekly Dr's visits now and I have an appointment tomorrow, hopefully she will tell me that the baby is coming soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last Baby Shower

I am truly blessed to have so many people who care about me and my growing family. This is my 5Th baby shower and it was given to me by my co-workers. I love working with all of them and I am grateful that they care enough to do something special for me. I am so happy that I work with such great and wonderful people. Thank you for all that you do for me ladies and gentlemen.

Poster that was made by my co-workers son.

The food.

More food and gifts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blast to the Past

The 70's party was a success! It was so much fun to dress up and see everyone else dressed up. Everyone looked great and it was fun. We had disco music and disco lights. Here are a couple of pictures from Saturday.
The Birthday girl with her friend.
The birthday girl with her cousin

The birthday girl with her cousin and I.

My husband and I.
The birthday girl and her cousin saying "Peace"

The birthday girl and her cousin.
The birthday boy and his girlfriend.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Yesterday was one of my older sister's, Alma's birthday. She is just like a mother to me. I remember as a child she would get us our school supplies. Which may not be a big deal to some people but it was for us, there was five of us and it wasn't cheap. We would wake up in the morning to have a bag with our name on it ready for us to take to school. I never thought to thank her for that, or for all my Christmas gifts because I just assumed that they would be there. But thank you Alma for all that you did and DO for me! You are always there for me and I know that you will always be there for me. You, I think, are the most patient of all of us and I know that is why we all go to you for advise! Thanks for being there for me, through it all! I love you and I hope you enjoyed your "surprise" party!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


So this Saturday marks my 36Th week of pregnancy. And it feels like I have been pregnant forever! My sister tells me that the last month feels like the longest and it just feels like it has been. I am ready for my baby to be out and in my arms. I am super excited and I can not wait to see who he looks like. Hopefully I don't go into labor this weekend because I have a party this Saturday at my house, a 70's theme party for my cousin in law and my sister in laws boyfriend. I don't really know what to wear since none of my clothes fits and I don't want to go shopping for something for a themed party while I am pregnant. I guess I will have to put something together, we'll see how it comes out! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Shower # 4

This weekend was my fourth baby shower which was given to me by my mom and sisters. It was so much fun. I got a lot of great gifts and I was surrounded by family and friends. I wanted to thank everyone who was able to go and I also wanted to thank my sisters and mom for everything! I love you, sisters & mami. Here are some pictures of the baby shower. To see the rest of the pictures please visit my sisters photo bucket.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Video

My cousin Nina sent me this GREAT video! She is super sweet. I wanted to share it with you all. Thanks for thinking of me Nina! Love ya.

Now to all the mothers that I know: I know its a day late but Happy Mother's Day. Hope you enjoyed your day with your families.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Drive In Movies

My great husband is taking me to the drive in movies today...how romantic huh? We are going to go watch the Wolverine Movie. I used to watch the X-Men when I was a kid so I do enjoy these movies. I love going to the drive in, they have great food and you can sit back and relax in your car and you get to watch two movies for the price of one. It is the most fun!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Party Time

This weekend was full of parties for me. First on Saturday morning we had a birthday party for my little sister at the park. We were a little afraid of the rain but it didn't rain in the morning.
Second was my diaper shower that my good friends threw me. It was so much fun! But it rained like no tomorrow Saturday afternoon. We still had people show up and we had a lot of fun. The decorations were super pretty and the games were a lot of fun!!!! Thank you to my friends who threw it for me and for my guests who showed up. Here are some pics of the decorations and the cake.

Third was Sunday my nephew was turning two. So cute! He had an Elmo theme, my brother made his cool shirt. It was such a fun weekend, and now I am super tired.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby News

So I went to the Dr yesterday and she tells me the baby is a big boy. She also said that he has dropped very low and might come sooner than expected. My husband has said that the baby will come on May 25th, I guess we will have to see if he's right. I am really excited to see who the baby looks like. I just hope that I make it to my last baby shower on May 20th, which my co workers are throwing me. I have one baby shower this weekend and two parties to attend. I promise to take a lot of pictures to post later.