Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Out of Town

My sister Belen is out of town in Alabama and she sent me this picture of the sunset and it is so beautiful I had to share it. I bet she is having a good time. Miss you sister!!!

Talk Time

I don't know if I have mentioned that my son loves to talk. He has started talking his little baby talk a lot now. I can sit in front of him and he will begin to goo and gaa. I love that he talks so much. Here is a picture of him talking. His checks look really big here too. He has changed so much since he was born. He just keep changing. :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


So my sister watches my son Wednesday thru Friday and she has a dog named Sally. Now Sally is very old and has only had one litter of puppies but this was way back a few years ago. When my son is there I have my sister Alma watching him and Sally watching him. Check out this pic of Sally making sure he is sleeping well. Sally is so sweet!!!

2 months

The baby had his two month appointment on Tuesday and he got 3 shots!! My poor baby cried out for his mommy! It broke my heart to watch them give him those shots, but he is such a brave little boy. He only cried for a bit and then feel asleep. That night I thought he was going to get a fever but he didn't, and now he is back to his smiling little self. Oh and he weighs 13 lbs!! I couldn't believe he weighed that much, but he is my chunky little baby. I want to go and take family pictures already. I will have to post them when we do.

Friday, August 7, 2009

First Week

So it is Friday and I have missed my baby so much! I know he is in good hands but I miss spending the whole day with him. The good thing is that I get the weekends all day with him. I will try to make the most of those weekends. Here is a picture of him that we took him looking at his daddy. I love this picture because his cheeks look so big and his eyes are wide open. I love it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So yesterday was my first day back and I have to say I did not miss working! LOL. My mother in law is taking care of my son and I must have called her a dozen times, I know she was tired of me calling. I really miss spending my days with my son. So I am nursing and I have to say it is really hard to pump at work. I don't have an office so I am using a friends office and it is just really uncomfortable. But I know that this is the best thing for my baby so I will try to make it to the 6 months. I want to nurse for the full year but right now I am just looking at the 6 month. Oh man it is only Tuesday! This week is going to go by so slow, I know it!