Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I wanna be like Daddy

You know its so amazing how our children are so much like us! I look at my son and I see a lot of me and my husband in him, sometimes more my husband than me! But it is just so great to see his little personality, how he is and how he reacts to things. I think one thing some people may not realize is that we truly mold our children into the people that they turn out to be. The way that we react toward him and toward each other will affect our children when they are older. And that is really scary! I try to be the best person around my son because I want him to be the best person, sometimes I am not and as a human I think we all make our mistakes. I just am so fascinated by my son everyday by how much he will mimic my husband and I. Its comical and flattering all at once! I love my son and I love the relationship that I have with him and I hope that with age our relationship will grow into a great one.
Here is a little video of my son trying to be like my husband. Its super cute how he keeps looking to see exactly how my husband is even kneeling. Hope you enjoy this video as much as I do!

Sorry its sideways I don't know how to flip it :P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm Back!

I have so much to say and I just had to come back! My son is 20 months and he is so active and starting to talk. I love it! I can't wait until he starts to have conversations (right now they are only one sided lol). He is just running around everywhere. I tell you that boy is the king of the house, what he says goes, and there is no if, ands, or buts about it! I am of course already planning his second birthday, and since it is in the middle of summer I am going to have it outside but at a pool this time. Last year it was way too hot just to have it outside without any water!
So I have an extra bedroom in my house and my husband has decided to give me a crafts room. I am really happy and excited! I have a sewing machine that I have never been able to use because I don't have any space in the house to use it at. But now I will! YAY! I will also use that room as my makeup room. Which will free up my bathroom space, I am using up a lot of the counter space in the bathroom, that might be why my husband decided to do this room for me. But either way I am super excited about it! I have chosen the colors for the walls and we are hopefully going to go to IKEA this weekend to get my table that I want. I will def post pics of the before and after.
Well I guess that is all for now but I will def try to post at least once a week.