Monday, March 22, 2010


I have turned 26 years old and I feel great! My husband has been telling me for years that he is going to throw me a birthday party and this year he did. It was so much fun! We made it a black and white theme. So all of our guests came in black and white. I had such a good time with my family and friends! Thank you all for coming and for the gifts.

It was crazy because the whole week the weather was wonderful then comes Saturday and it SNOWS! In the 26 years of my life it has never snowed on or around my birthday. I guess there is a first time for everything.

Of course I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to my husband who made it all happen! ;)

My baby and his mama


My handsome baby

Me and my sister. ( I look funny in this picture LOL)

Me and my handsome brother Abe! Love you bro!

Monday, March 15, 2010

9 Months

I can't believe my son is already 9 months! He is growing up so fast. I took him to the dr. on Friday and he weighs a grand total of 24 LBS!!! He is going to be a big boy for sure.

Well this weekend my son took his first little step all by himself. He was already standing up for a couple seconds and yesterday he decided he would let go of my hand and take a little step. I was so excited to see him take his step that I yelled out, that might have been what made him fall. LOL

Before I know it he is going to be a year old. It is coming up soon. I have a great idea for his birthday party and I have already started to buy stuff for it. I am super excited for him!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holding up the wall

My baby is really trying to walk so much. Here he is holding up the wall. He is stuck because he has not where else to grab on too.
He's getting so big so fast! I can't believe he is almost a year old! I still remember how little he was! And now I can barley carry him because he is so heavy! LOL
Well I guess I better get used to it because he is only going to get bigger and older. :(

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Self Sufficient

My son is so independent. Or so he thinks. He tries to feed himself. Check out how he did!

I love it! But I forgot to send the bib with him! Oh well kids are going to get dirty no matter what!
Well at least he got the spoon in his mouth! LOL
And this is just breakfast. He still has lunch to eat. I hope the dogs are hungry for whatever falls on the floor. But my son usually NEVER drops any food!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I just want to take the time to acknowledge my niece that turned 15 this year!

Rebecca: you are a beautiful girl and you have a great life to look forward too. I am proud of you and so happy to be your aunt. I hope you had a great time this weekend! Glad you like the Ipod! Love you.